Serious Request is an annual campaign by the Dutch radio station NPO 3FM in which money is collected for projects of the Dutch Red Cross. the 2015 campaign 'keep them going' is focused on helping children and young people in conflict areas. The 3FM Serious Request studio asked us to create a commercial  to make people more aware of the issue and contribute into making a donation.
Producer | Voice-over writer  | Storyboarder: Yentl van der Voort    Designer | Animator: Martijn Rook     Animator: Floor van der Doelen     Designer | Animator: Daniël Clasquin     Voice-over: Paul Rabbering 
Designs by Martijn Rook
Designs by Martijn Rook
Videoprojection concept on Spanjaardsgat in Breda | Serious Request merchandise concept
Videoprojection concept on Spanjaardsgat in Breda | Serious Request merchandise concept
Animation transition made by Floor van der Doelen
Animation transition made by Floor van der Doelen
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