A project created by 6 animators for an exhibition in an empty monastery in Breda, The Netherlands. The project is named Genesis, in which every animator creates one day in his or her style, just like god created the earth in 7 days to his liking. Through video mapping, we were able to project our story inside a hole in the wall, where a former altar has been standing. 
Animation 1: Daniël Clasquin    Animation 2 | Projection Mapping: Yentl van der Voort     Animation 3 | Storyboard: Martijn Rook    Animation 4:: Floor van der Doelen    Animation 5: Kayleigh Schaafsma    Animation 6: Karin van Zon    Music: Silence - Kai Engel          
Story Beats | Martijn Rook
Story Beats | Martijn Rook
Styleframes of whole animation
Styleframes of whole animation
Styleframes Water & Earth | Yentl van der Voort
Styleframes Water & Earth | Yentl van der Voort
Alternative Storyboard | Yentl van der Voort
Alternative Storyboard | Yentl van der Voort
Alternative Storyboard | Yentl van der Voort
Alternative Storyboard | Yentl van der Voort
Alternative Storyboard | Yentl van der Voort
Alternative Storyboard | Yentl van der Voort
Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes

Moving Storyboard idea by Martijn Rook

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